Guidelines for the use of the SDG logos and 17 icons.

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The Member States of the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by General Assembly resolution A/RES/70/1 of 25 September 2015. The aim of this resolution is to achieve these 17 goals by 2030 with a view towards ending all forms of poverty, fighting inequalities and tackling climate change while ensuring that no one is left behind.

The United Nations’ objective has been to create positive and hopeful language that will be a constant thread through all efforts to support the SDGs, strengthening the sense that we are all in this together and are working toward the same objective. The United Nations’ aim is that this will inspire and help carry the promise of a better world forward.

In order to promote awareness of the SDG, a general logo and 17 individual icons have been developed. These guidelines are meant to enable information sharing, engagement, and collaboration and addresses three main components.

1. The words “Sustainable Development Goals”,
2. A colour wheel visual identifier, and
3. Names for each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals with corresponding individual icons for each goal.

The words “Sustainable Development Goals” coupled together with the SDG colour wheel constitutes the SDG Logo. There are two versions of the SDG Logo:

• SDG Logo: Version 1, which displays the United Nations emblem above or to the left of the SDG Logo (see page 23 and 27); and
• SDG Logo: Version 2, which only contains the SDG Logo and does not display the United Nations emblem (see page 7).
The SDG Logo: Version 1 may only be used by United Nations offices, Funds, Programmes and other subsidiary organs and organizations of the United Nations System. The SDG Logo: Version 2 is for use by entities outside of the United Nations System. The use of the SDG Logo: Version 1, the SDG Logo: Version 2, and the 17 SDG icons is subject to the terms set forth in the present guidelines.


1. General Information

Entities outside of the United Nations System, including governments, intergovernmental organizations, not-for-profit organizations, and private sector entities, may use the SDG logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel, and the 17 SDG icons in accordance with the requirements set out below.

The 17 SDG icons may be used together or as individual icons. Each icon must be used in its entirety, including the number, title and graphic element. One or more of the 17 SDG icons may be displayed with your entity’s logo.

When being displayed side-by-side with your entity’s logo, the SDG Logo: Version 2 must be accompanied by the text, “Permet supports the Sustainable Development Goals”.

When being displayed side-by-side with your entity’s logo, the SDG colour wheel must be accompanied by the text, “Permet supports the Sustainable Development Goals”.

Neither the SDG Logo: Version 2 nor the SDG colour wheel may be displayed side-by-side with your entity’s logo without the above respective texts. Additional conditions apply for fundraising use.

The integration or combination of any element of the SDG Logo and/or any of the 17 SDG icons into a separate logo design is prohibited.

All entities wishing to use the SDG Logo, the SDG colour wheel, and 17 icons for the purposes specified herein must agree to use them only as permitted by these guidelines.

2. Use of the SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel and the SDG 17 icons

The SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel and the 17 SDG icons may be used for (i) informational, (ii) fundraising, and/or (iii) commercial purposes in order to show support for the SDGs, subject to the conditions set out below.


Informational uses are those that are primarily illustrative, non-commercial, and not intended to raise funds. The SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel and the 17 SDG icons may be used for such informational purposes, and their use does not require prior permission from the United Nations nor the conclusion of a licensing agreement


Fundraising uses are those that are intended to raise resources to cover the costs of activities in support of the SDGs. The SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel and the SDG 17 icons may be used for such fundraising purposes, but only with the prior permission of the United Nations and with the conclusion of an appropriate licensing agreement.

The SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel and the 17 SDG icons must be used in their entirety for fundraising purposes. When pairing your entity’s logo with the SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel, or one or more of the 17 SDG icons, in addition to the requirements under “General Information”, your entity’s logo must be given preeminence vis-à-vis the SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel, or the 17 SDG icons.

Requests to use the SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel and/or the SDG 17 icons for fundraising purposes must be addressed to [email protected], with the subject line “SDG LOGO/ICON REQUEST” in all capital letters. Request should explain how the proposed use would align with the spirit and objectives of the SDGs and the requirements set out in these guidelines. Sustainable business practices and the use of sustainable materials must also be clearly demonstrated in the request. Should such permission be granted, an appropriate licensing agreement must be concluded before your entity can begin using the SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel and/or the SDG 17 icons for fundraising purposes.


Commercial uses are those by for-profit entities or on commercial or promotional merchandise and/or products in order to promote the SDGs to a wider audience, and may be permitted with prior permission of the United Nations and with the conclusion of an appropriate licensing agreement. Requests to use the SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel, and/or the SDG 17 icons for commercial purposes must be addressed to [email protected], with the subject line “SDG LOGO/ICON REQUEST” in all capital letters.

Request should explain how the proposed use would align with the spirit and objectives of the SDGs and the requirements set out in these guidelines. Sustainable business practices and the use of sustainable materials must also be clearly demonstrated in the request. Any requests to use the SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel and/or the SDG 17 icons on promotional merchandise and/or products must stipulate specifically how such merchandise or products are aligned with the SDGs. Should such permission be granted, an appropriate licensing agreement must be concluded before your entity can begin using the SDG Logo: Version 2, the SDG colour wheel and/or the SDG 17 icons for commercial purposes.


Subject to their respective mandates, rules and policies, United Nations offices, Funds and Programmes and other subsidiary organs and organizations of the United Nations System can use the SDG Logo: Version 1, the SDG colour wheel and the 17 icons without obtaining prior approval from the UN Department of Global Communications, except for when uses other than those described in these guidelines are being requested.

The 17 SDG icons may be used together or as individual icons. Each icon must be used in its entirety, including the number, title and graphic element. If the UN Fund or Programme or another subsidiary organ or organization of the United Nations System has its own specific logo, the latter should be displayed side by side with the SDG logo and icon(s).


Unless otherwise advised by the United Nations by general or specific notice, the SDG logo, including the colour wheel, and 17 SDG icons may be used until 31 December 2030, which is the targeted date by which to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG logo, including the colour wheel, and 17 SDG icons may be used beyond 31 December 2030 in reference to publications about the SDGs.


The United Nations does not assume any responsibility or liability for the activities of your entity, including with respect to any fundraising or commercial use of the SDG Logo, the SDG wheel or any of the 17 SDG icons.


• The use of the SDG Logo, including the colour wheel, and icons by an entity does not imply the endorsement of the United Nations of such entity, its products or services, or of its planned activities.

• The SDG Logo, including the colour wheel, and icons may not be reproduced for the purpose of self-promotion, or for obtaining any personal financial gain. Any fundraising and commercial use must only be undertaken with the explicit prior written permission of the United Nations as per section II above and subject to the conclusion of an appropriate licensing agreement.

• The United Nations will not assume any responsibility or liability arising from the translation of the text of the SDG icons into non-UN official languages.


Please send any requests for commercial and fundraising use as per the instructions above, with the subject line “SDG LOGO/ICON REQUEST” in all capital letters, to:

United Nations
Department of Global Communications
Permissions, S-09 FWS,
New York, NY 10017, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

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